
Unveiling the Mystical Beauty: Langtang Valley Trek with Puran Tiwari

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November 20, 2023

Langtang Valley is one of the most breathtaking & culturally vibrant places in Nepal. It is in the middle of Himalayan range of Nepal and is popular trekking site. Surrounded by great heights of mountains and thick rhododendron geophytes, this trekking place offers real satisfaction to the mountaineers and their fans. We will be led into this magical world by Puran Tiwari, a knowledgeable trekking guide and who also happens to have an immense passion for the Langtang region.

Apart from being a trekking guide, Puran Tiwari is also an embodiment of the natural and cultural heritage of Langtang valley. He has plenty of experience of looking after trekkers on that tough terrain and knows well about the hidden treasures of the region, the dizzying maze of the trails, and the peoples that inhabit these mountains.

We can’t wait to go to the stunning Himalayas with our experienced tourist guide who can take us to one of the best places to be in Nepal.

Day1: Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi

Leaving the bustle of Kathmandu with the first light of the morning and starting our long hoped and anticipated journey to the valley of the Langtang. And so with the hope of beauty and cultural encounter on our scenic drive to our starting point – Syabrubesi. This small part of the journey was the teaser for the crazy experiences which awaited us in the coming days. The streets of Kathmandu were soon replaced with narrow roads with hills of cultivated agricultural lands on either side. Glass sharper then carried the smells of pine trees and distant rushing rivers. Despite being off the tracks at certain areas, the path was lined by spectacular vegetation and, from time to time, presented glimpses at traditional village life in rural Nepal. Communications included talking and laughing, while passengers shared their travelling experiences and looked forward to the trip. Puran managed to provide us with important information about the upcoming climb and at the same time ensured that the journey was mostly silent, so that I could gaze at the changing landscape and be one with my thoughts.

We reached Syabrubesi at last, and the community greeted us warmly. Syabrubesi had a serene charm as it was tucked away between high hills. Traditional homes stood as quiet witnesses to the passage of time and were decorated with beautiful woodwork. We felt like at home as the residents went about their everyday activities while flashing us warm grins and pleasant nods.

We spent the evening at Syabrubesi anticipating the exploits that lay ahead. The comfort of our lodging was enhanced by the soothing murmur of the Bhote Koshi, which was audible in the distance. We met for a briefing from Puran as the sun fell below the horizon, coloring the sky with hues of orange and pink. His expertise and enthusiasm for the Langtang region shined through, rekindling our enthusiasm for the days to come.

Day 2: Trek from Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel

A rise of swings assembled in our anticipation hey and whenever our nervous feet touched the ground at the first light was heard the murmur beating at the village of Syabrubesi. With the aim of going deeper and further into the Himalayas on the next day, we would be on the second- day of the Langtang Valley Trek. Leaving the place, we began to ascend to Lama Hotel with our knowledgeable hiking guide and his name was Puran and there was enthusiasm in the breeze.

Our base of operation was Syabrubesi, a picturesque village at the base of the Langtang range. There was a smell of wet foliage and grass, and the temperature that in itself was frosty. The morning wind brought prayer flags in its wake to advocate its blessings on our journey. The ambiance for the days to come was set by Puran’s smile and bundling… it made several of us comfortable and in a state of ‘We-ness’.

Many pretty tunes the Bhote Koshi River sung as the village was left behind with its melodious flow. The water on its shiny surface miming the distant towering hills provided the continuous encouragement that beauty lies far into the valley.

Now and again we went through small picturesque villages on the trail and people of Tamang and Sherpa origin warmly welcomed us with friendly smiles. Street were filled with Holy Banners and beautifully carved wooden houses demonstrating the traditional lifestyle of mountain people. Being conversant with the regional languages of the country, Puran engaged the participants in casual conversations so that we could listen to their life experiences willingly. Such interactions helped to recall the endurance and persistence of people living in such elevated territories.

So it took us quite long before we reached Lama Hotel, a relaxed Inn, located in the middle of natural vegetation.Thus our tired bodies lernt the hospitality of the lodge and its rustic setting.There was also the signal of an engulfing bland comfort when we felt surrounded by towering hills.Having been born and raised in this area, Puran ensured that we were at ease and thus enjoyed the basic and tranquil feel of our mountain dwelling.

Finally, at dusk when we got to Lama Hotel, most of the people sat and around the fire and exchanged stories of the day’s exploits.I felt a great group cohesiveness due to common events and love for mountains that we all seemed to have.Work with Puran got even more profound, and conversations became richer thanks to various stories that he encountered during previous trips; these stories also enticed anticipation for the following days.

Day 3: Trek from Lama Hotel to Langtang Valley

In the morning, we rose new again for the first light to come over the mountains that loomed near Lama Hotel. We knew that Day 3 of our Trek to Langtang Valley has many sensational views and great ascends contain. On this trail we were to go further in to the Langtang area and to the mystical Langtang valley all under the directive of our stern leader.

We began our climb after the Lama Hotel, in the terrain that was surprisingly reminiscent of the mountains. Every turn strengthened our anticipation of the alpine beauties as we moved through a terrain which included beautifully textured stones and wonderful falls. The smell of pine and the distant sound of mountain brook got more pronounced.

Below us, we could hear the sounds of the River Langtang, which has gorged itself through the tough terrains in order to carve out an access route. Its current also was rather wild proving that it was nothing compared to the natural forces which forged this spectacular geology. Ample flow crossing the river gave the distances practical structures in the shape of bridges, occasional time for a pause and to marvel the view.

We met prayer wheels and mani walls while walking; these are established with prayer flags and writings of historical value. This was mainly because; the prayer wheels were continuously rotating and the elaborative carvings of the stones.Puran continued his discourse pointing out the significance of these sacred emblems which had firmed up our connection with the spiritual matrix that surrounded us.. The air was charged with spiritual energy as a result of the prayer wheels’ regular churning and the elaborately carved stones’ presence. Puran explained the importance of these revered symbols, strengthening our bond with the ethereal web that encircled us.

As the day progressed we moved to the entrance of the Langtang Valley as planned. On the side of her great terrain of wilderness the higher ranges opened up as it were stage drops, behind the curtains. The magnificent Langtang Lirung (7,234 meters) stood majestically at the end of the valley, beyond these greenery of grasslands and rocks. We could not say anything when we first saw such a large expanse of land that set the tone for and complemented the grandeur of the Himalayas.

The last place we visited in the day was Langtang Village representing resilience of the people. The events of the terrible earthquake which occurred in 2015 were still rather fresh in the memory of the community which struggled and hoped. Stone houses and traditional houses with amazing carvings needed detailed interior finishing to create a feeling of strength as the outside view of the majestic mountains surrounded the houses.

This was during the evening while in the Langtang Village attempting to understand what the day had in store for us. Even the mechanic whom I introduced earlier, was boasting with grins and telling all sorts of anecdotes, it was as if everyone there achieved something great and was marveling at it. Puran was truly our guidance during the tour, his knowledge and passion reflected to each part of the journey.

Day 4: Trek from Langtang Valley to Kyanjin Gompa

This was the ultimate view of the lovely village of Langtang before sweet first light started to paint the snowy peaks, gold. As we continued on our trek the Langtang Valley Trek on the fourth day, it was established that the day would be significant in religious and aesthetic aspect. Kyanjin Gompa was the next destination we trekked towards, but under the guide of our experienced and knowledgeable trek leader.

For every positive step towards the towering ramparts that bordered the scene, the path led us further into the belly of the valley. Langtang Lirung; 7, 234m loomed at the horizon, its white capped peak a chilling but beautiful backdrop of the Himalayas. When we stood up to the religious building that we were going to step in, the pecularity of the climate intensively influenced our organisms.

During our trip we met yaks, and the sound of bells that they wore was singing over the valley. These sturdy men were in essence of mountains clad with gay flowers. Their participation impressed the feeling of realism on our outing and was a constant reinforcement of a symbiotic relationship between man and nature.

This was due to the calm environment we were to experience as we approached Kyanjin Gompa. Being originally built of stone and now having aged for several hundred years, the medieval monastery was situated before a background of snowy mountains. The sounds of the monks’ voice made our spirits peaceful as they sang terrible chants which filled the empty space of the mountains. This respect we had for the place was compounded by information that Puran provided to us on the history and purpose of Kyanjin Gompa.

By detour hiking to Tserko Ri, one might get to view many parts of the Langtang Himalayan range in a single glance of a eye. If the first glances were enough to make us gasp, we then found ourselves in front of a large amphitheatre of mountains reaching the sky as it were. Shock and awe became unbearable accompanied with words of surprise we could solely remember that nothing can erase from our memory.

We had to sit and reflect on the day as we slept in the Kyanjin Gompa Monastery as evening set in. Each of us has fallen in love with the purity of the Himalayas and the feeling of higher spirituality. Puran had given me quite good advice and being with him I had also become equally possessive of the area.

Day 5: Trek from Kyanjin Gompa to Kyanjin RI and back to Kyanjin Gompa

As we woke up and saw the sun rising on the peaks we prepared for the day of exploring and success. When we wake up on day 5 of the Langtang Valley Trek focusing on Kyanjin RI we knew the day was a climb one. Physically, these routes include trails up to the peak that we were excited to see wonderful views from.

The track led us through difficult ground and spiralled what appeared to be straight into the backbone of the mountains. When it rose, the climate was a little chilly and we breathing rates were higher. The Langtang Lirung stood higher and higher, as if reminding me the wonder of Himalayas all the time. Gradually the boat moved forward because of Puran like an optimistic director and encourager.

This gave us a view of a beautiful world as we conquered Kyanjin RI. What could be seen all along was an amazing view of the lek chumo peaks and valleys which opened up the stunning view of the entire Langtang Himalayan range. Iltdu was the dominant and permanent mass of Langtang Lirung in this work of nature. The sharp edges of mountains in the area which could be followed for many a distance delineated the skyline.

A victory moment to reach Kyanjin RI high was a testimony to the hard work and perseverance. Thus we experienced great satisfaction due to satisfaction that comes with accomplishment. It might sound eccentric, but we relished in the fact that we could look down on the bio geographic scenery unfolded below us a way that other hikers couldn’t because they had not reached that height.

Deterioration and happiness were felt when coming down from Kyanjin Ri. The old trail changed by the new viewpoint offer new perspectives how to complain the views. Everything around seemed to move and breathe: each rock, each tree was telling a story of resilience to elements in those regions.

On the return to Kyanjin Gompa the monastery welcomed us with an embrace. The night encouraged people to come together and reflect on themselves. We assembled to review what we did and observed from the climb that day. Achievement and the camaraderie kept our conversations going gave our talks an added dimension.

Day 6: Trek from Kyanjin RI to Lama Hotel

We bid the heights of Kyanjin RI goodnight as the first light started glistening on the summits.. On the day 6, we started our descend from the enormous apex as we moved towards the middle of the Langtang Valley. We proceeded on the trail that would later lead us back to the Lama Hotel with the mountains as silent spectators in a Royal drama.

It was now familiar territory that we traversed through what seemed like a different landscape from the night before all the while being on a known trail with new vantage points. Descending from Kyanjin RI was a boon to the body as well as food for the soul in real terms. The valley below the elevated ground where I stood had denser air with even more resonance to the noises that nature makes and it became reachable the more each step was taken forward.

There were familiar points of interests and curvy routes as we hiked up; the more we turned, the closer we were getting to familiar looking trail we had taken earlier. Rejoining was the faithfully meandering Langtang River which had been with us throughout this walk.

The downward phase allowed for the intellectual abreaction and material mobilization with which ascending subjects encounter and memories were made. But they gradually floated out of our sight while still remaining breathtaking and making their mark on our memory.

From Kyanjin RI with its sublime location high up in the mountains back to the pleasantly mundane Lama Hotel – a relatively uneventful Day Six. They were sleep-eyed mountains that stood like guardians over our heads as we slept as a reminder of the many miles we’ve climbed mostly uphill. We were particularly looking forward to the trails on the seventh day because our feelings were full of gratitude and the accomplishment feeling.

Day 7: Trek from Lama Hotel to Syabrubesi

This is how we begun the last section of our Langtang Valley Trek with sun casting a golden light on the peaks. On the seventh day we would have circled around the house and were likely to be proud of our efforts and have some memories to take home. We trekked from the Lama Hotel to Syabrubesi while being accompanied by mountains memories .

This trial is particularly well-known; however, during the descent new perspectives of the trail seemed to appear. Every step being a trace of the distance which had been taken as we hiked over the gushing springs and through the stands of rhododendron. The mountains therefore stood guard for us, reminding us that there was always someone, something to look out for us.

The Tamang and Sherpa people again greeted us with a smile when again and again our paths crossed their settlements. Their hospitality brought us back to reality, so while we really loved the place, our stay there was coming to a close. We shared stories for several hours, jokes, and sad goodbyes as we were happy for the friends we’ve made on the move.

However, as we draw near Syabrubesi, the Bhote Koshi River which has been our companion in the walk started singing to us once again. Its gentle rise seemed to say the least as it helped us leave while it complemented the wonderful nature that had made our tour more enriching.

We could feel we get some satisfaction and a hint of sentimentality when we have reached Syabrubesi. When we were back, and having become use to with this process everybody in the community was friendly to us. Of course, with the emotions we created, that winding alleys and prayer flags looked much more meaningful.

On the last day of our Langtang Valley trek we ended the learning process that started on Day One and succeeded. The mountains slept as we slept to witness and watch us transform through the journey we undertook. The important memories would always stay in the soul as we appreciated and found solace in ourselves. A symbol portraying sternness of nature and the withstand of human spirit, the Langtang valley was memorable.

Our voyage found its purpose in the serene embrace of the Langtang Valley, amidst the murmurs of the mountains and the music of the rivers. We express our sincere gratitude to Access the Asia Treks and our dependable guide, Puran Tiwari. Your knowledge, friendliness, and enthusiasm made this journey a memorable journey of discovery and connection.

Every step of our vacation was full of wonder and comfort because to Access the Asia Treks’ careful planning and persistent support. Your commitment to our trip was evident from the moment we stepped foot in Syabrubesi until we reached the victorious peak of Kyanjin RI.

We were very privileged to have as our guide Puran Tiwari of the Langtang region of Nepal who was able to help us overcome cultural barriers. Your stories, your advises and mainly your enthusiasm for the mountains turned each day of our walk into something extra special. The moments that each of those climbs, observations, and interpersonal interactions became dear to us, which we were happy to share with you.

In this way we stop smiling farewell to the Langtang Valley and not only bringing with us the grandiose view of the Himalayas but also friendly faces met on the way. We are thankful to Access the Asia Treks and Puran Tiwari for giving this wonderful opportunity. May we again meet somewhere next to one more cross amid the mountains.

Kind Regards,

Lina Roy

United Kingdom

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